Texas Tech University swept the student awards. Theresa Nguyen won the best student poster award. Chapter vice president David Newton won the best student paper award. In total, TTU students presented 7 posters and 2 talks.
Texas Tech Human Factors professor Dr. DeLucia gave the keynote speech titled, "Does the Field of Human Factors/Ergonomics Matter?"
Congratulations to our student award winners, and thank you as always to the Houston HFES chapter who works hard to put together this symposium every year.
The talks and posters presented by Texas Tech students are listed below with the presenter's name emphasized:
Driver Vigilance in Automated Vehicles: Effects of Task Demand - David C Newton, Texas Tech University, Eric T Greenlee, Texas Tech University, Patricia R DeLucia, Texas Tech University
Are Social Psychological Scales Appropriate for Measuring Robot Anthropomorphism? - Miriam E Armstrong, Texas Tech University, Keith S Jones, Texas Tech University, Alec J Stinnett, Texas Tech University
Effects of Cell Phone Conversation on Looming Threshold While Driving
Bradley Weaver, Texas Tech University, Patricia DeLucia, Texas Tech University, Jason Jupe, Rimkus Consulting Group, Inc.
Does restricting an observer’s exploration degrade their judgments of others' reaching abilities?
Nicholas A Garcia, Texas Tech University, Keith S Jones, Texas Tech University, Benjamin P Widlus, Texas Tech University
Event-related Cerebral Hemodynamics as a Neuroergonomic Measure of Task Demands
Emily L Maw, Texas Tech University, Eric Greenlee, Texas Tech University
Does vigilance get your blood pumping? Transcranial Doppler sonography, vigilance task demands, and compensatory effort
Tiffany Lui, Texas Tech University, Eric Greenlee, Texas Tech University
Vigilance Tasks Are Stressful, But Do They Make You Sick? An Exploration of the Relationship Between Task Induced Stress and Simulator Sickness
William G Matthews, Texas Tech University, Eric Greenlee, Texas Tech University
The Restorative Potential of Natural Imagery: A Replication of Berto (2005)
William G Matthews, Texas Tech University, Michaela Knapp, Abigail Boudreaux, Raelyn Curiel, Brittany Neilson, Martina Klein, Texas Tech University
Perceived and Achieved Restoration: Restoration Potential of Different Components of Nature Environments
Theresa Nguyen, Texas Tech University, Brittany Neilson, Texas Tech University, Martina Klein, Texas Tech University