The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society student chapter at Texas Tech University is scheduled to receive the gold level award for 2017. This designation is presented by the national Human Factors and Ergonomics Society to recognize student chapters for their outstanding contributions to the discipline of human factors and ergonomics. Gold is the highest level of recognition for this award. Activities and events such as our chapter trip to Palo Alto, participation in HFES conferences and symposiums, guest speaking events, and chapter socials helped us achieve gold status recognition this year.
This will be the 10th consecutive year that the Texas Tech chapter has received gold status. The TTU chapter will be the first student chapter to be awarded gold status 10 times in addition to being the first to receive gold status for 10 consecutive years.
Congratulations to the 2016-2017 chapter members who helped Texas Tech achieve gold status this year, and thank you to the alumni who helped make this a decade-long tradition.
Texas Tech and all HFES student chapters will receive their awards at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, held this October in Austin, Texas.