We want to give a special thank you to Dr. Ron Boring of Idaho National Labs for speaking to the chapter. Dr. Boring’s webinar centered around his experiences conducting research investigating errors in safety critical systems. Overall, it was a tremendous learning experience for our chapter members as they gained a better understanding of how human factors and ergonomics research is conducted outside of Texas Tech.
On Thursday, several chapter members volunteered at the SPFB Apple Orchard. While volunteering, our members were tasked with picking apples to be donated to the local food bank. We’d like to thank chapter members Eleanor Foster, McKenna Tornblad, Daniel Leibman, Ema Bidiwala, and Sean O’Bryan for volunteering!
Our student chapter participated in First Generation Week’s virtual student organization fair. First Generation Week is a week wide series of events that aims to bring awareness, engage in conversation with, and celebrate the contributions of first-generation college students, faculty and staff at Texas Tech.
During the event, chapter members were able to virtually speak with under graduate students about our chapter while also raising awareness about the field of Human Factors and Ergonomics. It was great speaking to fellow TTU students, and we look forward to participating in future virtual student organization fairs! Name: McKenna Tornblad
Hometown: Portland, Oregon Year: 3rd Research Interests: My research interests include persuasion in cyber attacks and applications of human-robot interaction. I am especially interested in these topics as they relate to special populations, including those with physical, cognitive, or developmental disabilities. I don't think enough emphasis is placed on diversity in neural and physical ability in our field, and I hope that I can bring awareness to these important groups of users through my research and future career. Career Aspirations: I hope to someday work on a design team for a company that researches, tests, and implements assistive technologies for people with disabilities. In the past few years, more and more companies are beginning to realize the importance of HF/E professionals when it comes to practical design. I am looking forward to bridging the gap between technical fields and psychology to improve the quality of life for these underserved and underresearched groups. Fun Fact: I have four tattoos that each mark a meaningful memory or time in my life, and I'll never stop adding to my collection! Advice to younger students: Don't be afraid to ask for help when you feel overwhelmed. All grad students are living with some level of imposter syndrome, and I can guarantee that we've been in your shoes before. Older students can be a great resource for study habits, research tips, and advice on hobbies that can help you find a healthy work-life balance. Just reach out! |
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